Wednesday 19 December 2007

Inverted papilloma

Nearly 50% of all papillomas
Arise from lateral nasal wall/ max sinus
Significant malignant potential - SCC
40-70 years of age
20-40% recur

Stage I: limited to nasal cavity
Stage II: limited to ethmoidal air cells and medial and superior part of max sinus
Stage III: extsnion into lateral/inferior aspect of max sinus
Stage IV: Spread outside nose and sinus, especially cribriform plate, skull base

Non specific mass centred in middle meatus
Bone remodelling +
Stippled calcification (20%) may help in diagnosis

Iso on T1, iso-to-hypo on T2 wrt muscle
Enhance (50%)
Convoluted cribriform plate on T2 is typical

Momeni et al. Imaging of Chronic and Exotic Sinonasal Disease: Review. AJR 2007; 189:S35-S45