Thursday 14 June 2007

Nodal levels

Most simple way to remember:
L1: Bounded by digastric, mandible and hyoid. Submental and submandibular.
L2: Skull base to hyoid. Upper jugular
L3: Hyoid to cricoid. Mid jugular
L4: Cricoid to clavicale. Lower jugular
L5: Bounded by SCM, trepezius and clavicle. Posterior triangle. Divided into upper, mid and lower similar to the L2,3,4 levels
L6: Midline hyoid to sternoclavicular notch. Prelaryngeal, pretracheal and paratracheal
L7: Inferior to sternoclavicular notch. Upper mediastinal
Other groups: Suboccipital, retropharyngeal, parapharyngeal, buccinator (facial), preauricular, periparotid, intraparotid

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AJCC Csncer staging handbook. 6th Edition. Springer